
Developing a Strategic Plan for Government Networks

Senior IT managers are struggling with a delicate balancing act. They must meet growing demand for new services with fast, reliable and secure network technologies.

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EHRs and PACS: Health Records Go Digital

Healthcare providers are under constant pressure to improve care while making operations more efficient and cost-effective. Today’s strained healthcare system presents a variety of challenges for healthcare providers.

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Consolidated Trunking – Is It Right for Your Company?

Finding the telephony solution that best fits your business is beneficial, as it allows your company to be more cost effective, efficient, and reliable. There’s a lot to contemplate when choosing the solution that tailors to your business needs.

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Bandwidth trends: Why speed is important today, tomorrow and beyond

The need for faster network speeds (referred to as “bandwidth”) has been growing so quickly that these speeds are now doubling every three years – a staggering statistic we see with our own business customers.

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Mobile Technology: Changing the Way Care is Administered

From anywhere/anytime access to care and closer, more customized provider/patient relationships, to better time management, there are many examples of ways in which mobile technology has changed how healthcare is administered.

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Government Network Painpoints

Secure, high-speed networks may offer many benefits to modern IT environments in the public sector, but there’s a flipside to the rising status of networks: Managers and technology practitioners find themselves in an ongoing struggle to keep up with bandwidth and reliability demands while simultaneously addressing budget realities.

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exterior of Cheers Boston

Cheers Boston Keeps Network Performance and Cost Savings Flowing

Cheers Boston, a local watering hole made famous as the inspiration for the television show, “Cheers,” strives to keep its customers happy with free WiFi and fast service. After experiencing connectivity issues, they had to act fast to get their customers and staff back online.

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Why Don’t You Have a Back-Up Plan for Your Phone Service Yet?

What happened to your business the last time the power went out? Maybe it was a hurricane or an ice storm. Maybe a car accident took down the power lines. Or maybe a utility contractor mistakenly cut the lines. Whatever the reason, a business with no power means a business in trouble.

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Enabling Better Patient Care through Mobility

While we were at this year’s HIMSS conference, we spoke to a number of healthcare IT professionals at six leading healthcare providers to get their insights on how advancements in data mobility can engage the entire healthcare ecosystem and help improve patient outcomes.

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Why the Network Matters in Government

Networks enable new video services. Public officials in the city of Atlanta recently received another reminder about why a reliable and high-performing network infrastructure is essential to their goal to continuously improve how they deliver services to constituents and employees.

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Top 5 Ways Ministries Extend Their Reach Using Ethernet

According to Grey Matter Research, more than 17 million non-churchgoers visited church websites in the past year. “Churches are natural places of interaction,” said Scott McConnell, LifeWay Research Director.

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exterior of Hawthorn Suites in West Palm Beach

West Palm Beach Hotel Keeps Guests Coming Back

With 112 rooms serving a mix of business and pleasure travelers, Hawthorn Suites by Wyndham West Palm Beach caters to its guests with the comforts of home and the amenities of an office. Many of their guests stay for extended periods of time and reliable phone service, Internet connection, and cable TV are of the utmost importance for providing an enjoyable stay.

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A Plan for Voice Success

In business, all true success stories start with a vision and a plan. Identifying your business goals and objectives and the strategies you’ll use to achieve them is a must-take first step for any organization and a crucial element to ensuring future success.

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The Case For and Against Dark Fiber

Technically, dark fiber is optical fiber that’s not active. Most commonly it refers to optical fiber cables that were installed in urban or suburban areas in the hope that a demand would arise, allowing the company that owns the fiber to sell access.

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High-Performance Networks Power the Move to Modern Government

It’s a transformative time in government information technology. Public sector organizations are moving to the cloud. At the same time, seemingly everything that can be virtualized is quickly heading in that direction.

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man at airport with tablet

Core Benefits of Cloud

As with any business technology, cloud computing comes with pros and cons, benefits and risks. That said, any risk that does exist in the cloud tends to be greater in traditional IT infrastructures. And the benefits far outstrip those found in traditional IT settings.

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Partners for Voice – and for the Future: Usability, Expandability Key to Choosing a Provider

The best hosted voice providers aren’t just vendors for your business – they’re like business partners. Offering cutting-edge communications tools, after all, is just a starting point.

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keyboard with cloud key

Which Cloud Functions Work for Your Business?

Should your business move all its IT functions to the cloud, or does it make sense to keep some things in-house? If the latter, how do you know which to migrate to the cloud and which to retain? As might be expected, there are no single, right answers to any of those questions.

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Improve the Restaurant Employee Experience with Technology

Good restaurant owners and managers focus on providing diners with not just good food, but a good overall experience. Great restaurant owners and managers recognize that as a service business, their employees are the key to delivering that experience – and they invest in providing a great experience for their employees as well.

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Take your Restaurant to the 21st Century

Many of the older-generation bar and restaurant owners can be set in their ways and use traditional, paper-based methods to take customer orders, track time and inventory, and pay employees. But these same businesses often lose money every month, without really understanding why or where the loss is coming from.

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Keep your Software Out of your Restaurant and in the Cloud

Today, many of the technology solutions you need to run your restaurant or bar are available in the cloud. This means, as an owner, you can simply log onto a website to access the software, and not have to worry about keeping a server on site.

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Telemedicine and Ethernet: A Healthy Combination

Telemedicine can vastly improve healthcare in many ways. It can break barriers of distance, for example in rural areas where quality routine and emergency care may be hard to reach.

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Four Reasons Your Business Needs TV

Whether waiting in a dentist office or working out at the gym, your customers expect – and want – TV at your business. Here are four reasons why offering TV services will benefit both your customers and your employees.

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Even in the Age of the Internet, Governments Need Reliable Voice Communications

With many governments offering a wide array of citizen services via the Internet, it’s easy to imagine the phone barely ringing at City Hall anymore. But don’t underestimate the enduring power of voice communications.

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